Dear Human Rights Defenders and Protectors a.k.a Friends,
The Motion for Reconsideration (MR) was filed today, Nov18 at the Comelec. We will wait for the Comelec's decision to reconsider LADLAD's accreditation to run for party list in the 2010 election. Comelec has the option to sit on this and let time pass until LADLAD, due to technicality, will not be able to register to run in the 2010 election because the Comelec has only a few days to finalize the list of party-list groups that would be included in the ballot. WE NEED TO PRESSURE THE COMELEC TO COME UP WITH A DECISION. JOIN US IN SAYING WE ARE NOT IMMORAL AND ARE NOT A THREAT TO THE YOUTH. JOIN US FIGHT FOR OUR LGBT RIGHTS! As Amnesty International would say, ALL HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL!! WHAT YOU CAN DO:
Because of Manny Pacquiao's motorcade on Friday, Nov.20 around Manila, Ang LADLAD decided to move the rally to next week.
TENTATIVE DATE: Wednesday, Nov. 25
Your group can send your message of solidarity & support to LADLAD at their FB page or email at darnalipad_2000@yahoo.com, danton_ph@yahoo.com Your group can bring placards, streamers, anything rainbow, be in costume on that protest. imMORAL white shirts are being sold at P250. I’ve attached the design to this email. Contact Mj Yap thru FB or email her @ mjoyap@yahoo.com - Send your name, contact info, number of orders, & t-shirt sizes. I think they have male & female sizes
2. LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN The Internationall Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), together with Ang LADLAD will have a letter-writing campaign to pressure Comelec to come up with a decision the soonest time possible. We will inform you once we have uploaded the letter at the www.iglhrc.org website. You can copy & paste the letter together with the email addresses included in the article and send to the Comelec Commissioners, Commission on Human Rights (CHR) who have been so supportive of LGBT rights especially Atty. De Lima.
3. REPOST THIS INFO Please inform us of your intentions/interest for proper coordination with LADLAD Again Thank You.
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